

General information

In compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce.


Owner of the web page

Mobles Bellmunt S.L. is domiciled at C. del Puig 12, Roda de Ter, postal code (08510), province of Barcelona, registered in the mercantile register of Barcelona, XXXXXX, with CIF B-08874299.


Contact email address is the web address of through which it offers Internet users information about the company and the services it offers.


Contact number


Intellectual property and jurisdiction

Mobles Bellmunt S.L. is a registered trademark owned by Mobles Bellmunt S.L. All images on the Mobles Bellmunt S.L website are protected by copyright and are the property of Mobles Bellmunt S.L. The partial or total reproduction, use or dissemination of the contents, photographs or brands, not authorized by Mobles Bellmunt S.L. is expressly prohibited and subject to the penalties established by the intellectual property law and/or the Trademark Law. Nor is it authorised:

  1. Presentation of a website page in a window that does not belong to Mobles Bellmunt S.L. by means of framing.
  2. The insertion of an image published on the website on a page that does not belong to Mobles Bellmunt S.L. through in-line linking.
  3. The extraction of elements from the website causing damage to Mobles Bellmunt S.L. in accordance with the provisions in force.


Responsibility for contents and links

Mobles Bellmunt S.L. does not assume responsibility for violations that users may incur or for damages caused by the use of this website and reserves the right to update and modify information without prior notice. Mobles Bellmunt S.L does not assume responsibility for the content, veracity and errors in the links that can be accessed through the website. The sole purpose of the links is to provide users with access to information that may be of interest to them.

